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Mora Acquisitions, LLC – DBA Edgewood Park

A Manufactured Home Community |

(320) 233-5733 Office


Rules and Regulations

(Made a part of the Lease Agreement)

***Updated and effective January 1, 2024***




These rules and regulations aim to maintain the quality of life in our manufactured home community and ensure a pleasant living environment for all residents.




  1. Every resident must complete a Park Residency Application.

  2. An application fee of $25.00 is due upon submission.

  3. Upon approval, residents must sign the current lease agreement.

  4. Guests staying for over two weeks must complete a Residency Application.

  5. Management may waive the guest application requirement in writing.


Home and Lot Maintenance:


  1. Residents are responsible to maintain their lot in a neat and clean condition, lawn mowed, leaves raked, and tree limbs and sticks.  Neglected lawn care may result in notices and charges if not addressed.

  2. All lawn debris must be moved to the designated area located behind the pole barn.

  3. Damage to the home on lot caused by wildlife is the resident's responsibility.

  4. All homes must be skirted with approved material within 30 days of arrival.

  5. Home exteriors must be clean and properly maintained. 

  6. Any additions or alterations must have prior written approval from management.

  7. Storage sheds, garages, and other structures must be approved and placed as approved by park management.

  8. No digging or driving of rods, stakes, posts, or pipes without written permission from the management.  Please Call Before You Dig (811)

  9. Front and back yards must be neatly organized nightly, and free of toys, tools, equipment, and yard debris.

  10. No Swimming pools allowed in the park over 60” in diameter. 


Fire Safety and Maintenance:


  1. Firewood must be neatly stored and no more that 1 cord stored in any visible portion of the yard.

  2. firepits must be approved in writing.

  3. Damaged lawns due to firepits must be repaired by the resident.

  4. Propane tanks must be stored out of sight from the street.

  5. Prompt repair of home after damage is required within 30 days of damage.

  6. Irreparably damaged homes must be removed within 14 days of notice requiring removal.

  7. Egress windows must be in place for all rooms, allowing for a safe evacuation in the case of an emergency.


Garbage and Waste Management:


  1. Containers should be closed and secure.

  2. The park provides one garbage container for each lot; additional containers or larger containers are the resident's responsibility and must be approved by management.

  3. No garbage may be placed outside the containers.

  4. Garbage disposals are prohibited in sink.

  5. Leaf burning is allowed in designated areas or driveways with permits.


Utilities and Services:


  1. Electrical connections are the homeowner's responsibility and must conform to codes.

  2. Heat tape maintenance is the homeowner's responsibility.  Fully functional heat tape must be installed no later than October 15, each year.  Please check your heat tape frequently to ensure proper function.

  3. Every home is hooked up to Sewer; freeze-up costs are the resident's responsibility.

  4. Excessive use of water may result in an assessment of use.  If it is determined that repair or pumping charges were the fault of the resident, these charges will be transferred to the resident.


Vehicles and Parking:


  1. Vehicle Registration: All motor vehicles regularly parked within the community must be registered with the community manager. Please provide make, model, year, and license number. In the event of a new vehicle purchase, prompt notification to the manager is mandatory for updating your vehicle information. All vehicles must possess a current license and be in operational condition.  REGISTER HERE.

  2. Vehicle Maintenance: While minor mechanical repairs like points, plugs, tire changes, and washing maybe permissible on residents' lots, substantial vehicle repair work within the park is strictly prohibited.

  3. Towing Policy: Any vehicle not registered with the community manager will be subject to towing at the owner's expense. To prevent any inconvenience, it is imperative that all vehicles be registered.

  4. All vehicles must be moved when the plow truck enters the community to allow for quality plowing.  Please move your vehicle while they are on the road you are parked on, and move it back after they are complete. 


Placement of Manufactured Home:


  1. Installation and removal of homes must be supervised by park management.

  2. All funds owed to the park must be paid before a home is moved from the park.

  3. Written consent by management is required for placement of a different home.


Sale of Manufactured Home:


  1. Neat "for sale" signs are allowed in window or professionally mounted in the yard.

  2. Notify management in writing before advertising a home for sale.

  3. Notify management 60 days before moving home.

  4. Approval required for new buyers; no exceptions.




  1. One pet per resident allowed unless approved in writing.

  2. Vicious pet breeds are not permitted unless approved in writing (American Pit Bull Terrier, or relative, Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff, Doberman Pinscher).  Personal pet insurance may be required if deemed necessary by the management. 

  3. All pets must be registered with park management, using the attached registration form.  REGISTRATION HERE.

  4. Pet owners are responsible for prompt waste cleanup.

  5. Pet owners are responsible for the excessive noise or disruptive behavior by their pet.  To manage the behavior of pets within the community, our community uses a 3-strike system.

    1. Warning 1: Initial notice to address the issue.

    2. Warning 2: Further notice to rectify the problem.

    3. Warning 3: Final notice – Immediate action required.


If disruptions persist after the third warning, rehoming of the pet may be necessary to maintain community harmony and avoid eviction.


Resident Conduct:


  1. No peddling, soliciting, or distribution without prior written approval.

  2. Only one family may occupy a home.

  3. Residents must avoid disruptive noise.

  4. No noises above 50db after 10:00 PM.

  5. Parents are responsible for their children's actions.

  6. Observe the posted speed limit of 10 MPH.




  1. Guests must comply with rules and lease terms.

  2. Residents are responsible for their guests.

  3. Children from outside the park must be properly supervised.


Theft and Vandalism:


Report suspicious activities, theft, or vandalism to the police.




Management and owners are not liable for loss due to fire, theft, or accidents on park property or within park buildings.


Changes in Park Rules and Regulations:


Park rules may be amended with 60 days' written notice.




Violations may lead to eviction as per lease terms and state law.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Edgewood Park Management

©2020 by

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